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It looks like Quake II is still going strong. After a long break from the multiplayer mode I've decided to give it a go once again. No matter what continent you're from, there are plenty of servers for everyone. It's not that hard to find opponents either. It's great to see that after ten long years there's still a moderate amount of interest in this title.

The screenshot above comes from the BOSS2 map. This scene can be found in a secret chamber that can only be reached either using the noclip command or "spectate" mode. In another section of this chamber photos of ID team can be found. The screenshot was taken while in Quake II - EGL. As usual, click to enlarge.

There's nothing like too much security to spoil your day. Aside from Quake II, I also tried to play some Warsow today and I've noticed that many servers use the BattleEye client to protect themselves from cheaters. That's fine, cheaters is the last ting we want, except that Warsow 0.32 no longer supports BattleEye, or to be exact, doesn't integrate it, which basically means that all new users can go fuck tehmselves if they encounter a BattleEye secured server.

To add some insult to the injury, BattleEye website has no info nor downloads concerning the issue. That's nice. While playing Q2 I was also required to instal the Anti Cheat AprQ2 by Maniac. The solution is not integrated into game code, so it works fine as far as I could tell. At least I haven't encountered any cheaters during my few hours of deathmatching.

Valve also provides their customers with server security called V.A.C. and everything would be nice and dandy, except every time I try to play Half-Life: Deathmatch, some assholes pop in, sniping your left eyeball while doing backflips and if you manage to somehow kill them, they respawn with a full array of weapons. V.A.C. secured my ass.

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