I got inspired by this weekend's Quake II multiplayer session so I've decided to take on a game even older, but by no means forgotten. I've previously mentioned Doom: Legacy, so you might guess that Doom is the game I mean. This time no LAN, but proper online deathmatch. How do we achieve that? Simple. We install Skulltag.
Skulltag is a yet another Doom source port that improves the original game angine in a number of ways. Just as in Legacy, you're able to look around freely [in online multiplayer mode this must be allowed by the server], graphics are improved and so on. As you can see, I found a rather impressive number of active servers. Nevermind the latency, it got screwed up.
One important thing before you start killing off other players - you need to get yourself a proper map pack. Here I would strongly recommend "Crucified Dreams". Many servers use these maps, so you'll be all set to go. After that, it's ownage time. Beware, noobs.