Virtua Fighter 5 has been out for ages on arcades, aswell as on both current generation hi def platforms. So far I've been faithfull to the arcade machine, playing the PlayStation 3 port ocasionally, but finally I got the X360 version and I'm not dissapointed.
As all of you Virtua Fighter playing gamers know, arcade titles often get updates, tweaks and some finishing touches. Just like first Virtua Fighter game got a remixed and textured version for the ST-V, Virtua Fighter 2 got the 2.1 revision, Virtua Fighter 3 was upgraded to Team Battle and Virtua Fighter 4 got both Evolution and Final Tuned, Virtua Fighter 5 is pushing the updates like crazy. The arcade version has reached revision D and a bigger update in a form of Virtua Fighter 5 R is on the horizon. But what does it have to do with the Xbox 360 version of the game? Let me tell you.
While you're playing the latest version D in the arcades [at least in Japan], the PlayStation 3 port was based on version B. B was the second revision of the original arcade release, with little to none changes. The Xbox 360 version however, is based on version C and that's where this port shines. Not only there's alot more customization, but the computer A.I. has been greatly improved. Not to mention Xbox 360 is the only one to get the online play mode thus far. The Xbox 360 version also supports memory card saving and has some major upgrades made to the Dojo mode.
I guess the only real problem with the X360 version is a lack of a real hi end arcade stick. Hori products are fine, but they're far from the real arcade stick quality. This can be solved by building your own or settling for the lesser quality. Aswell as most of the 360 games, Virtua Fighter 5 got some downloadable upgrades which were mostly additional customization items and a possibility of saving replays from online fights.
If you don't own Virtua Fighter 5 yet, Xbox 360 version is the obvious choice, if only for the online mode. Unless you have a bunch of friends playing the game all the time and you have some real pros to play with. Now all we have to do is wait and see if Vitua Fighter 5 R gets a PlayStation 3 release fully stocked and with online mode.
HD DVD is dead. Long live HD DVD! The format war is finally over and we have a winner. Sony had somehow managed to push their BluRay through, and that's a good thing, even though Europe is no longer in te same region as Japan. HD DVD led a short life but still plenty of movies managed to come out all over the world. It's no point in getting a HD DVD player now, one would think. Wrong!
The perfect time for getting a HD DVD player is now. Just think about it. The format is dead, Toshiba stopped all of their production lines and won't be making any new players, there's no market for either the movies or the players, prices went down drastically and they're still going.
So, in the spirit of those happy news I got myself a HD DVD drive for my Xbox 360. It wasn't planned. I just went shopping one day and there it was. One third of its original price. Without hesitating I got it and it was the best decision this month.
If you're a Xbox 360 or a PC owner you should get one of these today. Especially if you're a console user and haven't got the Microsoft remote for your 360 yet. The HD DVD drive box not only contains the drive itself, but also the remote for the 360, which by itself can be a bit pricey. The combo cost me almost as much as the remote itself would if I bought it separately.
Don't have a 360? No worries. The drive should work fine on your Windows XP or Vista computer, since it connects with an USB cable. All you need is an internet connection [for the XP to download proper drivers, Vista doesn't need them] and a compatible player. I personally use the latest version of PowerDVD.
So I got my drive, but what about the movies? That's the best part. At the they're still plenty and they're unbelievabely cheap. Right away I got myself Blade Runner: The Final Cut, 300 and King Kong [2005]. And each of them cost me one fifth of the BluRay price. That's cheaper than regular DVDs! You save money and get the HD 1080p quality identical with what BluRay offers. It's a win-win situation for both you, and your wallet.
Damn you, supermarkets! How am I supposed to stay away from videogames if there's always a nice title to pick up? I bought some games [many games] this month already and I promised myself that would be enough, but when you see Gears of War and the pricetag makes it impossible to resist what can you do? You buy it. And so I did.
I know, I know. Gears of War has been around for a while, but since I didn't have my own copy, and it's clearly a must have, I just bought it. And such a buy is nothing to regret.
Gears of War for Xbox 360 is probably what Halo was for the first Microsoft console [even though this one is a third person shooter]. I'm pretty sure everyone already know how amazing this game is, but let me reassure you one more time. GoW is simply spectacular. The amount of details is stunning. This truly is a next generation title for a next generation platform. Unreal Engine 3 really does the job and you can see that people at Epic put some serious effort into the developement of both gameplay mechanics and the amazing graphics in all of their high definition glory.
If you own an Xbox 360, you should own this game aswell. If you don't own a 360 yet, this title is one good reason to get Microsoft's new platform. Unless you hate both first and third person shooters.