
Damn you, supermarkets! How am I supposed to stay away from videogames if there's always a nice title to pick up? I bought some games [many games] this month already and I promised myself that would be enough, but when you see Gears of War and the pricetag makes it impossible to resist what can you do? You buy it. And so I did.
I know, I know. Gears of War has been around for a while, but since I didn't have my own copy, and it's clearly a must have, I just bought it. And such a buy is nothing to regret.

Gears of War for Xbox 360 is probably what Halo was for the first Microsoft console [even though this one is a third person shooter]. I'm pretty sure everyone already know how amazing this game is, but let me reassure you one more time. GoW is simply spectacular. The amount of details is stunning. This truly is a next generation title for a next generation platform. Unreal Engine 3 really does the job and you can see that people at Epic put some serious effort into the developement of both gameplay mechanics and the amazing graphics in all of their high definition glory.
If you own an Xbox 360, you should own this game aswell. If you don't own a 360 yet, this title is one good reason to get Microsoft's new platform. Unless you hate both first and third person shooters.