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Adding comments might be simple, and it is in most cases, but after few years of having my own blog, I realized one should post some comment guidelines, so that visitors can either read through them and follow them, or ignore them completely and get their asses [read IP range] banned. So, here goes. Under every blog entry you will see the date at which the given entry was posted, category it belongs to, trackback and comment links, and a link that will post the entry title and address to your Twitter, if you're logged in to your account. All of the above will look something like this:

Easy so far, right? Nothing too complicated. So, once you click on "Comment", you'll be taken to the comment form, which isn't complicated either. After giving it some thought, I've removed the option of leaving your e-mail address and your website address. You're here to comment, not to advertise. However, if you feel you absolutely have to tell me about yours or someone else's website, you can add a link in the comment box. If I find it inappropriate, your entire comment will go. If you continue to link to other websites for no good reason, you will get banned. Let's take a look at the comment form itself:

As you can see, the default message subject states "I'm a tool". This is to encourage you to type in your own subject instead. If you're unable to do so, I'll assume you agree with what the default message subject states.

If you want to give yourself the ability to edit your comment in the future, use the password field. Once the comment is posted, you'll see the edit option on the lower right from your text. Once you've clicked on it, you'll be taken to the edit page and there you can make your changes. Type in the password you've used when posting the comment, and lastly click on send. If everything works as it should, your comment will be automatically updated.

Now for some rules - I will not tolerate advertisement. If you're here post spam, you might just as well turn back and leave. I will delete your comment the second I see it, and I will ban your whole IP range. If you don't have anything to say, don't comment. Even though I don't get many comments here, "nice blog!" is something I can live without. Last, and second most important thing - Since the blog is in English, I suggest you comment in English. Happy commenting.

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