Yesterday I took a quick look at the IP list displaying the visitors of this webpage. I do that sometimes, just to see who's been a returning reader and who was just passing by or dropped in by mistake.
Earlier this month I wrote an entry in which I've described the phenomenon known as The Great Firewall Of China. If you've managed to somehow miss it, worry not. You can give it a quick read after clicking here.
The Great Firewall basically prevents chinese internet users from visiting banned sites. As we know from the previous entry covering this topic, my modest blog is one of souch sites [probably due to the notoriously posted anti communist propaganda]. Imagine my reaction when among the IPs I saw one marked "China".
I could not help but notice the URL this person used to reach my webpage. I guess my blog wasn't what he or she was looking for, unless I've posted something on "Morden China Design" that I'm not aware of. I tracked the URL just for laughs, and there you have it.
What amused me the most was that my page was among the top ten matches for these words. And if that wasn't enough, Yahoo search engine did find all the words it needed.
Administrative tools have identified the user's origin as China based on the language settings on his or hers computer, rather than the actual IP location. The "TW" bit in Yahoo URL gave it away in seconds, but I just couldn't help myself.
There you have it. It seems that Taiwan doesn't get affected by The Great Firewall and so, China officially still doesn't like me.
Earlier this month I wrote an entry in which I've described the phenomenon known as The Great Firewall Of China. If you've managed to somehow miss it, worry not. You can give it a quick read after clicking here.
The Great Firewall basically prevents chinese internet users from visiting banned sites. As we know from the previous entry covering this topic, my modest blog is one of souch sites [probably due to the notoriously posted anti communist propaganda]. Imagine my reaction when among the IPs I saw one marked "China".
I could not help but notice the URL this person used to reach my webpage. I guess my blog wasn't what he or she was looking for, unless I've posted something on "Morden China Design" that I'm not aware of. I tracked the URL just for laughs, and there you have it.
What amused me the most was that my page was among the top ten matches for these words. And if that wasn't enough, Yahoo search engine did find all the words it needed.
Administrative tools have identified the user's origin as China based on the language settings on his or hers computer, rather than the actual IP location. The "TW" bit in Yahoo URL gave it away in seconds, but I just couldn't help myself.
There you have it. It seems that Taiwan doesn't get affected by The Great Firewall and so, China officially still doesn't like me.
After the terrorist attacks, growing security concerns forced the US to develop a system which sole purpose is to filter away the potential troublemakers.
People who are likely to be terrorists are put on a so called "No Fly List" which basically is what it says. There's no way you can get on a plane taking off from the US if your name is found in the registry.
Last week I found a webpage that offers you the unique opportunity to check whether or not your name matches the names on the list. I ran some tests and even though I didn't find myself to be banned from american airplanes, some people you might know are not allowed to fly. Just check out the screenshot below.
You can read more about how the list is generated and check if you are one of the chosen at http://nofly.s3.com. It looks like Michael Jackson won't be going on any worldwide tours anytime soon.
People who are likely to be terrorists are put on a so called "No Fly List" which basically is what it says. There's no way you can get on a plane taking off from the US if your name is found in the registry.
Last week I found a webpage that offers you the unique opportunity to check whether or not your name matches the names on the list. I ran some tests and even though I didn't find myself to be banned from american airplanes, some people you might know are not allowed to fly. Just check out the screenshot below.
This might sound like a cheap TV ad, but hey, it's my blog and in here I do and write whatever I want and there's nothing you can do about it, even if it bothers you so much, you want to scream.
It was this summer if I'm not mistaken, when I've finally decided to switch from my trusty Gilette razors to an electric shaver. It took me a while to figure out which one to choose, as there are hundreds of them, and they all have something to offer.
In the end I chose Philips HQ 7742 Cool Skin and believe me when I tell you, it would be really tough to find something better, and the reason is simple. You can wash it. It's totally waterproof and you will never have to worry about cleaning the damn thing. Just pop it open and clean it with tap water.
Since it's weekend and I had too much free time on my hands I've made a small video that shows just how waterproof this shaver is. Okay, I could have used a larger container, but couldn't be bothered.
So if you're a diver and you can't be arsed to surface every time you need a shave, just get yourself one of these. Plus the battery really holds what Philips promises. Once charged, you won't charge it again for over a week.
It was this summer if I'm not mistaken, when I've finally decided to switch from my trusty Gilette razors to an electric shaver. It took me a while to figure out which one to choose, as there are hundreds of them, and they all have something to offer.
Since it's weekend and I had too much free time on my hands I've made a small video that shows just how waterproof this shaver is. Okay, I could have used a larger container, but couldn't be bothered.
So if you're a diver and you can't be arsed to surface every time you need a shave, just get yourself one of these. Plus the battery really holds what Philips promises. Once charged, you won't charge it again for over a week.
As I am running out of place due to my ever growing collection of games, movies, more games and some more movies, this weekend I went on a little trip to Ikea to hunt down some shelves.
For quite some time now, the lack of space forced me to pile up the movies in a totally unsafe manner. On top of that it's impossible to pull out a movie or game that's on the bottom of the pile. This calls for some new shelves!
Ikea serves you with everything you could ever want. Did you wake up this morning feeling a sudden urge of getting a plastic pig in either red, green or blue? You name it, Ikea has it.
Fancy lamps that always look cool in the store but never fit your interior? They have those too!
Ikea claims to have mastered the simplistic design, and you have to give them that. Nothing more simple than a lamp made of one huge, flat piece of plastic with a white LED inside.
It's impossible to go to Ikea, get what you want and get out. Not if you're with your female partner at least. There's always something to look at and something that's maybe worth having. Maybe someday you'll need a device that can slice up an egg into a star with a push of a single button? You just never know.
Lickily, they serve food inside of the store so you can stop for a second and charge your batteries. Plus you can enjoy the overall school cafeteria feel of the restaurant, complete with plastic trays and everything. What will it be, sir? Chicken filé and fries, please.
After the meal we switch back into the shopping mode. This means more neatly designed furniture, lamps and small gadgets. But wait? Didn't we come here for the shelve? Let's go get it.
It's amazing how Ikea can make you buy fifteen different products just by selling every single thing separately. You want a shelve? You'll need a wooden plank, some screws, some support for the plank and so on. I guess you should be glad they don't make you buy a huge log and all the tools you'll need to carve the thing out by yourself.
I ended up buying not only the shelve but also a pot for my plant, a frying pan, an egg slicer, some napkins, drink straws, potato chips [seriously] and two pillows. And I just wanted a shelve.
P.S. - I shot all the pictures and videos using Nokia N73 mobile phone. I've retouched the photos a bit, adjusting the contrast and saturation, as the N73 photos taken indoors tend to look as if there was smoke in the air. The original videos had a slightly better framerate which got automatically reduced by the software while converting them from *.mp4 format.
For quite some time now, the lack of space forced me to pile up the movies in a totally unsafe manner. On top of that it's impossible to pull out a movie or game that's on the bottom of the pile. This calls for some new shelves!
Ikea serves you with everything you could ever want. Did you wake up this morning feeling a sudden urge of getting a plastic pig in either red, green or blue? You name it, Ikea has it.
Ikea claims to have mastered the simplistic design, and you have to give them that. Nothing more simple than a lamp made of one huge, flat piece of plastic with a white LED inside.
Lickily, they serve food inside of the store so you can stop for a second and charge your batteries. Plus you can enjoy the overall school cafeteria feel of the restaurant, complete with plastic trays and everything. What will it be, sir? Chicken filé and fries, please.
It's amazing how Ikea can make you buy fifteen different products just by selling every single thing separately. You want a shelve? You'll need a wooden plank, some screws, some support for the plank and so on. I guess you should be glad they don't make you buy a huge log and all the tools you'll need to carve the thing out by yourself.
P.S. - I shot all the pictures and videos using Nokia N73 mobile phone. I've retouched the photos a bit, adjusting the contrast and saturation, as the N73 photos taken indoors tend to look as if there was smoke in the air. The original videos had a slightly better framerate which got automatically reduced by the software while converting them from *.mp4 format.
Comunists were always very keen on taking the censorship to the extreme and now you can find out what does extreme censorship really mean. Just check out greatfirewallofchina.net and check if you'll be able to access your online email account when you go on a trip to China. You won't be checking out this blog, that's for sure.