Ever had some problems with deleting a file under Windows 9X, NT or XP? For some reason, sometimes Windows claims that a given file we want to delete is still in use and the deletion is impossible. This might be caused by some damage done to the file itself or intentional file structure modification to prevent deletion in case of spyware or virus.
That's where Dr. Delete comes in. This software makes it possible to get rid of all annoying files that refuse to go away and it doesn't care about the files being in use. Just start it up, choose the file you want to delete, confirm and it will be gone after you reboot your system [unless the file wasn't in use and could be deleted right away].
The original program was coded by Jdong, but he released it along with the source code. The program was kind of nasty looking so I cleaned it up a bit, compressed nicely and here it is. Source code is also available upon request. Here are two mirrors for the Dr. Delete Ex file [125 KB zip archive].