On wednesday evening I have finally recieved the long awaited Psychonauts soundtracks. Two separate discs containing the original game score and the music from cinematics.
Soundtracks... everyone has them. But I was especially excited when buying these two. The cinematic score is signed by none other than Mr. Peter McConnell himself. He's, of course, the person responsible for Psychonauts music, but not only that.
During his years with Lucas Arts, McConnell composed the scores for such titles as Full Throttle, Grim Fandango, Sam & Max: Hit the Road and Monkey Island series. Now that's an autograph you want to hold onto.
Just the other day I saw a mint copy of Grim Fandango being sold for about £180. And that's just your regular soundtrack, no autograph. It makes you wonder how much value an autographed CD will gain over the years.
On a humorous note, when I took the invoice out of the package, I've noticed a small "Thanks :)" written on it. That's how Double Fine shows you that you're not just another customer. You're special.
If the Psychonauts video isn't enough for you, and you want to see Peter McConnell live, here's something you should see. Maestro himself plays music from Grim Fandango with Clint Bajakian and Michael Land at Video Games Live at the Hollywood Bowl on September 21st 2006.
『 スーパーロボット大戦COMPACT 』
Another title joins the WonderSwan collection. This time it's the Mono edition of "Super Robot Taisen Compact". Nothing too special. Just your standard japanese mecha RPG. Good job on Banpresto's part. Game looks and sounds quite good. Only for die hard mecha fans though. If you liked the Gundam titles, you'll like this one.
『 塊魂 モバイル 』
01 - シャイニング・フォース 神々の遺産
02 - マジンサーガ
03 - マクドナルド トレジャーランド・アドベンチャー
04 - ぷよぷよ
05 - サンダーフォースIV
06 - エイリアンストーム
07 - ワンダーボーイV モンスターワールドIII
01 - ストリートファイターIII 3rd STRIKE
02 - セガ エクストリーム スポーツ
01 - ファイナルファンタジーIV
02 - 聖剣伝説2
03 - 聖剣伝説3
01 - ワンダースワンカラー ハードウェア
02 - ファイナルファンタジーII
スーパーファミコン Jr. ハードウェア
Just like the second game, Final Fantasy WSC will please anyone who wants to spend few hours with a decent RPG title.
As usual, the sound is at Famicom or Game Boy level, which shouldn't bother a fan, or any other gamer for that matter. Even today, musicians compose for Commodore SID or Famicom hardware, so while a bit behind in sound technology, WonderSwan surprises with complex and rock solid soundtrack.