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I just had an energy drink and at the moment I'm contemplating the possible results of this action. Maybe it was stupid of me to have one at 9:00 PM since I have to be up by 5:40 AM [Yea, I know. It sucks balls, but what can you do.]. But then again, do I really believe in the power of an energy drink?

How can a regular soda topped off with 24 milligrams of caffeine per 100 millilitres of liquid can keep me up [If you're unfamiliar with the metric system, I suggest you look it up on Wiki or something. Under units of volume.]. Me being a person who absorbs enormous amounts of coffee. It's been a few minutes since I swallowed the content of energy drink can and if anything, I feel sleepier. Oh well, that's some money well spent I guess.

I guess this one wasn't meant for me. I picked up the "Underground cult - drink for hustlers", while I should be getting the "Don't fall asleep at work tomorrow, you tool" drink.
As you might have noticed, Shinobi servers were undergoing some minor fixes and database optimisations. This caused the blog to be down for about five hours and left you, dear reader, with nothing new to, well... read.

Taking good care of servers is important, and I'd be fine with that, except at the moment, I'm in a different time zone than Japan and what might be a not so "visit dense" period of the day for Shinobi technicians, was my evening "posting on the blog" time. I guess I'll get over it and get some cheese to go with my whine. Damn you Shinobi.

It's a miracle that PSO stayed up online for as long as it did. And I mean the DreamCast version, of course. Well, Sonic Team have finally decided it's time to put the old beast to sleep and released a news bit on the official site stating, that both Japanese and European servers will permanently go offline on March 31st 2007.

This is a huge blow for the PSO community as they will be forced to either switch to another platform or connect to homebrew servers. For DreamCast PSO players it will probably be the latter. Check out the image below if you want to take a look at the official info. Just click on the image if you wish to enlarge it.

Did you ever hear someone say that games can only brainwash you and that no good comes out of playing them? If you see them again, you can shove a copy of "Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training" up their back orifice and ask them if it felt as good for them, as it did to you. I'd give a $10 to hear the answer.

About two weeks ago, I have finally acquired a copy of this brilliant Nintendo DS title and started to train my brains. I must say, this game is quite entertaining for a title with nearly no graphics besides simple menus, almost no music, and math problems in various forms for games.

If you own a Nintendo DS, and you don't own "Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training", pick it up today. Or tomorrow at the most. You WILL enjoy it. Sorry for the picture quality, but I just snapped some quick shots with EyeToy.
This is getting ridiculous. Due to Sony lawsuits one of my favorite online stores [selling imported software and hardware] went out of business. And this is not the first time Sony, being a multi billion company, overwhelmed a smaller business with court cases for each and every day of the week.

Lik-Sang.com was the victim of Sony lawsuit fetish this time and I must say, as a frequent Lik-Sang customer, I'm starting to strongly dislike what Sony stands for. They've decided that Lik-Sang was breaking the law by selling japanese PSPs. Yes. Consoles. Not games. If the system is region free, what could possibly make a person want a japanese PSP then? Poor distribution on Sony's part maybe? Who cares. Sony just gets on my nerves these days.

Rest in peace Lik-Sang. We WILL miss you [since you sold so much great stuff for all Nintendo platforms, plus GP32, Neo Geo, Saturn, DreamCast, WonderSwan and many more].

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